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Seeking help as the Alert Levels reduce

As New Zealand continues to progress to lower Alert Levels, Nelson Tasman Civil Defence and Emergency Management (NTCDEM) is scaling down its support services, including its 0800 welfare helpline.  
People who need assistance can still get help through existing support channels.
During Alert Level 4, NTCDEM launched an 0800 number to provide help to people needing urgent assistance to get food, medication or other household goods and services. 
Group Controller, Roger Ball outlined the success of the welfare response “The team have done an amazing job, with the assistance of many other agencies, to make sure a safety net was provided to those in need during this COVID-19 response”.
“Our welfare hotline received over 560 calls, and this provided a vital service to many people. The calls to this line have completely dropped off now, and usual agencies are in a position to take any future calls as required.
“The 0800 number was just one way that people could access assistance during the response period in Nelson Tasman. We’ve seen some great support right around Nelson Tasman,” says Mr Ball.  “From iwi authorities looking after vulnerable whānau, to community groups reaching out to members over email and phone, and other social services working remotely to provide continued support to their clients." 
“It’s important to know that help is still available to those who need it,” says Mr Ball. “Please remember to reach out to local services if you need it.” 
The NTCDEM 0800 number will no longer be taking welfare calls from 5 pm on Friday, 5 June. If people require assistance then they can contact:

  • For health advice – phone Healthline on 0800 611 116 
  • For emergency accommodation or support for food grants – phone Ministry of Social Development on 0800 559 009 
  • For immediate food needs please contact your local foodbank, visit 
  • For temporary accommodation related to COVID-19 isolation - phone the Temporary Accommodation Service on 0508 754 163 
  • For support with grief, anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 
  • If you aren't sure who to talk to, the government helpline is available - Phone them on 0800 779 997 
  • If you identify as Maori and need some assistance, please call Te Piki Oranga on 0800 672642 or visit

For everything you need to know about the New Zealand response to Covid-19, visit 
Remember to play it safe during Level 2: 

  • Continue to keep a 2 metre distance from people you don’t know. 
  • Keep track of your movements. Record where you go and who you’re with. 
  • If you feel sick stay home, and contact your GP or Healthline to get tested. 
  • Washing your hands regularly and thoroughly is one of the best things you can do to stay safe. 
  • Continue to be kind. 


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