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Recovery - July 17 Weather Event

Update 12PM

Get the latest updates on local road closures here.

Some roads remain closed following yesterday's heavy rain. 

Keep up to date with State Highway information here. 

We are advising residents of the Eighty Eight Valley, Brightwater, Tapawera Water Supply boil all of their drinking water.

This notice is due to high turbidity in source water.

You are advised to boil all your drinking water for the following purposes:

  • Drinking water
  • Mixing cold beverages
  • Utensil washing and food preparation
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Pets
  • Ice making

Bringing water to a rolling boil in a kettle/electric jug is sufficient to make it safe to drink. You do not need to boil the water for longer than this.

It is likely that the boil water notice will be in place over the weekend to be reviewed on Monday 19 July 2021.

Note: nearly all household filters provide no protection against bacterial contamination. If you have an under the sink carbon filter or cartridge filter, you still need to boil your water.

Read advice from the Public Health service.

Read more about post-flood risks at your home.

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