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Pigeon Valley Fire Update 66: Controlled access for last evacuated residents

Controlled access for Teapot, Eves and Redwood Valley residents

The last group of evacuated residents will be granted controlled access to their properties from today, Civil Defence Controller Alec Louverdis has confirmed.

“On a daily basis since the fire began we’ve been doing assessments of the various risks with a view to letting people go home, if it was safe to do so. I’m happy to advise that, after discussions this morning between Fire and Emergency, Police and Civil Defence, we are able to allow controlled access for residents in the 83 remaining evacuated properties in Teapot, Eves and Redwood valleys (to return home)” says Mr Louverdis.  

Previously, residents were allowed to visit their properties for a limited period each day, if conditions allowed.

Today’s decision applies only to residents of the valleys, and anyone returning home must remain ready to evacuate at short notice, says Mr Louverdis.

Controlled residential access means that people are able to go home without a time limit - they can come and go as they like, and stay overnight if they wish. However, we remind them that the fire is not out and they must be ready to leave again at short notice if required.

“Some people may choose not to go home yet and that is okay too; we will continue to provide them with support while they remain out of their homes.”

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