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Pigeon Valley Fire Update 34 Fire response numbers

Helicopters are today targeting firefighting efforts on the southeast boundary of Wakefield.

A decision on whether to allow Wakefield residents to return to their properties will be made at 4pm.

Incident Controller Roger Ball said a final decision would be based on:

  • The fire behaviour
  • The weather
  • The ability of the emergency services to evacuate the town safely and quickly, should conditions change

An update will be published on this page, and via social media and other channels.

Ground crews made good progress in favourable conditions last night building the containment line and dampening down hot spots. The fire is still around 2,300 hectares with a perimeter of 25km.

Heavy machinery will be used throughout the day to establish containment lines.

Today’s response involves:

  • Around 190 firefighters
  • 10 helicopters
    2 fixed-wing planes
  • 15 heavy machines (excavators and dozers).
  • 47 incident management staff

Wind gusts in the fire area today are expected to stay around 40 km per hour and the forecasts shows it is unlikely there will be any significant rain in the next 14 days.

Financial assistance

Assistance is available to those affected by the fires, including for costs associated with the event and lost wages. Call 0800 559 009 for more information.

Health information

Free healthcare is available for those affected by the fires.

At any time:

  • Call the freephone Healthline on 0800 611 116
  • Call 111 for emergencies or go to Nelson Hospital ED for emergencies

See Information for people needing health advice or healthcare.

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