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Land remediation update

Now that the Pigeon Valley fire is controlled, we will be working towards remediating damage caused by the fire and equipment used to contain it.

Landowners/leaseholders need to initially utilise their insurance cover. Where there is no cover or the cover is insufficient, the next alternative is to apply to the Mayoral Disaster Relief Fund.

The recovery team is working with Government agencies to source funding for remediation work.  This funding is likely to only be available to remediate damage caused in trying to control and contain the fire.

This includes damage:

  • To land, fences and other infrastructure in the construction of firebreaks;
  • That may have been caused in securing water to fight the fire.

We hope to have confirmation of this funding by the end of March 2019.

We are currently finalising the estimates to remediate the damage caused by the fire and fire prevention/remediation works, this has been done by analysing:

  • Initial Rapid Assessments undertaken by Urban Search and Rescue teams in late February
  • Aerial and satellite photography of the area affected
  • Records collated by Fire and Emergency NZ.

The recovery team will be contacting individual landowners from 8th March and scheduling visits to confirm damage assessments and talk about remediation options. The Council will also be talking to landowners about the process to complete the remediation works.

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