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Media Release: Supported re-entry process now underway for Nelson/ Tasman evacuees

Safely helping evacuated people back into their homes is a top priority of the emergency response and a coordinated re-entry process is now underway, Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Group Controller Neville Reilly says.

Evacuated properties are being inspected to ensure they are safe, and, from Tuesday, owners of inspected properties will be contacted by phone and advised of the status of their home and what that means for them.

“I want to reassure all those affected people in our communities that we recognise the impacts have been huge for you. We are taking this situation seriously and you haven’t been forgotten,” Reilly said.

“We are working as quickly as we can to get people home safely. Building inspectors are required to assess both flood damage and land instability, which is a complex task. It may be some days before detailed inspections are completed, depending on the weather.

 “However, a formal process is now in place to support re-entry of evacuated families back into their homes, where it is safe to do so.

 “Evacuated people, including people who have self-evacuated: Please make sure you register with Nelson City Council 03 546 0200, or at the Trafalgar Centre (Tuesday) or iSite in Millers Acre (from Wednesday), so we can contact you directly about your home.

“By registering as an evacuee, it means we can let you know once a decision has been made about the status of your property, following inspection.

 “Please wait to hear to hear from us before returning home – if we haven’t checked homes properly, this could pose a very real safety risk for you and your family. It’s not worth it.

Thank you all for your patience, cooperation and resilience; we are working hard to get people home safely,” Reilly said.


How does the supported re-entry process work?

Once your home has been inspected by both Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) and Council Building Inspectors, it will be assessed as either a RED, YELLOW, or WHITE placard property.

Red Placard Properties have been assessed as having significant damage or land stability issues and should not be entered under any circumstances. Red placards will clarify whether the assessment has been made on the basis of the building being at risk of an external hazard, or due to serious building damage.

Yellow Placard Properties have been assessed and can be entered temporarily only to secure or remove items; residents may or may not be able to stay overnight, this will be assessed and communicated on a case-by-case basis. Supervised entry by an authorised person may be required for some yellow placard properties. Please speak with Nelson City Council if you have any questions.

White Placard Properties have been assessed and can be re-occupied with caution. White placard properties may have no placard, or a white dot on or around the entryway. 

If residents find damage when they return to their properties or are unsure about what their property assessment means, then please call Nelson City Council on 03 546 0200 or Tasman District Council 03 543 8400.

Please note: Properties may be reinspected if there is a change in situation.


FAQ's for white placard properties

FAQ's for yellow/red placard properties

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