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Are you prepared? More heavy rainfall forecast for Tuesday

Following a wet weekend, more rainfall is forecast for Tuesday 9 May 2023. MetService has issued an Orange weather warning for Tasman (from Motueka westwards – including Golden Bay) and a weather watch for the rest of Te Tauihu, including Nelson and the Tasman area to the east of Motueka.

Heavy rainfall is likely. The region is already soaked from the weekend’s rainfall, so there is the potential for slips on slopes around the region. Thunderstorms could cause localised heavy rainfall, which may cause rivers and streams to rise rapidly. We recommend people take care in these areas and keep off the roads during heavy rainfall.

Are you ready?

• Keep up to date with MetService weather forecasts.
• Is your emergency kit up to date? Make sure you have food and water to last three days, and a battery-powered radio to stay informed.
• Do you have a plan? What would happen if the heavy rainfall happens during the day or at night? Make sure you are ready if the weather did turn bad.
• Check on your neighbours and anyone who might need your help.
• Put safety first. Don’t take any chances.
• In an emergency, call 111.
Go to for more tips on how to prepare.

Stay informed during an emergency. Listen to the radio and follow Nelson Tasman Civil Defence, Tasman District Council or Nelson City Council Facebook pages. Download the Antenno app from Google Play or the App Store to receive updates on your phone.

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