Plans and Strategies

Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) has reviewed its Group Plan.

The vision of the Group is a resilient Nelson Tasman community, and we are keen to engage our communities around the region in understanding our hazards and considering how we will respond to them.

The Plan, reviewed every five years, identifies the region's hazards and risks and how Civil Defence will effectively manage these across the four key activities of risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery. It has been updated by the Nelson Tasman CDEM Group, a partnership between Nelson City and Tasman District Councils, and its key partner agencies who are involved in the delivery of emergency management.

The main sections of the plan include:

  • An assessment of the region's hazards and risks
  • A description of the Group's plans to prepare for emergency events and ongoing recovery
  • An outline of operational arrangements for responding to emergency events
  • The Group's plans to ensure a strategic approach to recovery
  • The Group's structure, financing and decision-making processes
  • How the Group monitors and evaluates itself

Once approved, this Plan will replace the previous Group Plan 2012 and will remain in effect until reviewed and/or amended by the Group, for a period of no more than five years.

The plan takes account of learnings from significant emergencies around New Zealand in recent years, including flood and earthquake events that have affected our own region. Changes from the current Plan approved in 2012 include greater emphasis on planning for recovery and the role of communities towards this, transitional periods and transitional powers available during a transition period, boosting the role of the Lifeline Utilities group, and providing further options to support outlying communities in the event of civil defence events. The primary goals for the CDEM Group for the next five years have also been updated to include;

  1. Building strong, safe, resilient communities
  2. Reducing the risk of hazards
  3. Enhancing Response and Recovery Capability

All feedback on the draft Group Plan is encouraged however we are also interested in your thoughts on the following areas;

  • Have we got the right emphasis in our plans
  • Are you aware of the natural hazards in your community?
  • What information do you need during large emergency events (such as floods and earthquake) and
  • How do you access this information?
  • Is there one thing you think we could be doing differently?

Download the Plan